Search Results for: 5109
Due to the high cost of R-1234yf refrigerant, FJC recommends checking for leaks in yf systems with a Nitrogen/Hydrogen gas electronic leak detection system. Using hydrogen/nitrogen as your tracer gas provides a significant cost savings over R-1234yf or helium while also providing heightened leak detection sensitivity over bubble testing methods. Charge the system with a
FJC continues to forge an impressive path at the forefront of automotive A/C technology. To that end, our new “Power of Nitrogen” line is unmatched as a dependable and solution for a variety of air conditioning needs. Nitrogen is safe, inert, odorless, portable, and low in moisture content, making it ideal for a wide range of applications.
- SDS: N/A
- INSTRUCTIONS: See Product Package
One of the most common problems causing a mobile A/C to blow warm, especially after a long winter or period of non-use, is a refrigerant leak. While it can be a DIY repair, diagnosing and fixing an automotive A/C system that is not blowing cold air takes a multi-faceted approach. Begin with a visual inspection.
LMK 2020
Among the new and innovative products unveiled by FJC for 2020 is our highly-anticipated “Power of Nitrogen” line. Nitrogen provides a highly-effective, non-residual and inexpensive method of Flushing, Pressure Testing, and Detecting Leaks in both R-134a and R-1234yf A/C systems. FJC is first to market with Part # 2711—Nitrogen Flush Kit. This kit provides a
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